Thursday, March 13, 2008

cambridge puke

Last friday night, before we met some friends for dinner, we stopped in Marimekko to check out some Finnish fashion. As soon as we get in the door, Lucy, who i was carrying, opens her mouth, almost as if to say something, and regurgitated food comes rolling out. I ran back out onto the sidewalk and Mike, who for some reason felt he had to catch the puke falling out of her mouth despite the fact that we were outdoors, held his hands up to her mouth and caught a handful of mushy popcorn. We cleaned her up, wiped her down, ran into the restaurant and used the bathroom and were almost about to go home when Lucy perked up and said she wanted to stay. We were like, uh, are you sure? because we're pretty hungry. She looked around and said, yeah i feel better now. I want to stay. 

So we did! and she was fine! it was so weird. But i never got a new tote bag.

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